RK Information Technologies AI and machine learning models are improved by human intelligence. The process of giving specific forms of digital data, such as audio files, text, photos, and videos, meanings is known as data labeling. RK Information Technologies uses the data once it has been labeled to train sophisticated algorithms to detect trends in upcoming similar data sets. We collaborate with clients in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and technology to develop, build, and upgrade a variety of cutting-edge commercial applications employing high-quality data sets by utilizing our professional on-demand workforce.

Data Annotation Services & Machine Learning

Intelligent AI or ML-driven computer models have become a crucial enterprise priority. Their potential and current applications cover an extensive range of business domains. Although, designing an operational AI model is complicated in reality as it requires training with supervised learning. And that’s where you need data annotation services.

To use Machine-Learning algorithms, businesses require the right mixture of specialty, skills, and time. So, it’s more sensible to depend on data annotation services to get high-quality, high-volume, and well-structured data which can fuel valuable AI models. Through data annotation outsourcing services and using third-party professionals, you can improve the quality of predictions of AI algorithms and free up resources and time to concentrate on other essential tasks.

Outsourcing Data Annotation Services: RK Information Technologies Advantage

Whenever you outsource data annotation services to RK Information Technologies, among the best data annotation service providers, we will help you get excellent AI or ML models by offering the most applicable and high-quality data sets.

We offer entity annotation services and a wide range of data annotations, using a customer’s predefined criteria for establishing appropriate relationships between interpreted data elements. It helps a deep, multilayered learning system to identify better pictures, products, people, names, etc., and hold the context in the natural environment.

Are you looking to implement Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning? Top data annotation companies like RK Information Technologies assist top companies in multiple industries to annotate data and accomplish AI goals.

Data Annotation Services Meaning

Data annotation is cataloging unstructured data to instruct Machine Learning modes. Today we are surrounded by high-volume raw data, available in exclusive formats like video, text, images, and audio.

Properly labeled high-quality data is utilized to help you supervise Machine Learning models, understand the sentiment, identify objects, and do functions like driving or speech recognition!

Our services includes
Types of Data Annotation

RK Information Technologies’ data annotation solutions are provided to the exclusive requirements of our customers. Our standard labeling services concentrate on the high-quality image, video, and text annotation services. The teams of RK Information Technologies work with customers to regulate their quality needs using custom procedures that guarantee annotation work validation. A highly-qualified subject matter experts quickly do all the annotation work.

Text Annotation

RK Information Technologies offers text annotation services like intent analysis, sentiment analysis, entity classification, and Named-Entity Recognition (NER) to use in Machine Learning models and NLP, including chatbots to know metadata and text for usage in sentiment analysis, natural language processing, intent & spam detection, etc.

Image Annotation

RK Information Technologies’ specialists offer image annotation services like polygon annotations, bounding boxes, key-point annotation, semantic annotation, semantic segmentation, image classification, and LiDar. Every workflow is specially designed to assure quality across each image pixel.

Audio Annotation

RK Information Technologies explains audio materials in text formats that computers and machines can understand. Then you can label text data for tasks like conversation categorization, sentiment analysis, and Named Entity Recognition (NER).

Video Annotation

RK Information Technologies’ specialists label video footage for training computer vision models for detecting and identifying objects. RK Information Technologies offers different video annotation services like bounding box annotation, critical point annotation, polygon annotations, semantic segmentation, etc., for usage in drones, robotics, self-driving cars, etc. 


Data annotation workflow organizes massive sets of insurance and finance datasets to provide insights for superior customer experience. Financial data annotation lets finance companies distinguish market fluctuations and guide their customers.


Data annotation in healthcare helps in Machine Learning projects through labeling CT scans, X-rays, MRI reports, and ultrasounds. This data is used for training neural network models with deep learning to distinguish medical conditions and advise treatments.


The legal industry is using data annotation for training managed Machine Learning models and automating different tasks which would have needed manual labor for completion. Machine Learning models might understand and review contracts, recognize negotiable clauses, conduct high-volume case law research, and enable due diligence with document discovery.


Government specialists use data to understand public sentiments, notify policy-making, and spot security leaks.


Data annotation in insurance assists in getting better customer experiences with Machine Learning models. All these AI models may aid in risk assessment by making complex behavioral patterns.


Good data annotation assists merchants in realizing compelling customer experiences and results for e-commerce or other platforms.


Data annotation with agricultural data helps farmers to forecast harvest yields, decrease water usage, and shield their crops.

Social Media

With natural language processing and sentiment analysis, companies could skip the count of comments and likes on social media and understand the opinions and emotions surrounding products, services, or brands.

Self-directed Vehicles

Self-directed vehicles need expertly-labeled videos and images taken through multi-sensor cameras. All ground-truth datasets allow vehicles to perceive and involve with the human environment.

GIS Mapping

Data annotation with GIS analytics & mapping is utilized for better city planning, project risk analysis, and optimizing infrastructure management and planning.






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